Attached you will find the
FCCLA Bylaws (Revised 2009). The revised Bylaws are based on the membership vote during the 2008 National Leadership Meeting and National Board of Directors approved editorial changes. FCCLA will include a copy of the revised FCCLA Bylaws in the 2009-2010 Be Part of It! membership kits.
The FCCLA Board of Directors, including the National Executive Council, met in Reston, Virginia. In addition to receiving
various reports, located under the Chapter Adviser section of the website you will also find modifications in the
Strategic Scenario 2012.To generate a high level of consistence between national and state/local planning, the Board urged advisers to use the Scenario and the
Strategic Plan 2012 as the basis for their strategic planning. The Board also directed that a task force on Civic Engagement be instituted charged with developing an action report that would be submitted to the Obama Administration.