Monday, March 23, 2009

Remaining Relevant: Share Your Success!

Groups that influence your chapter’s ability to success (or even exist!) are called stakeholders. You probably know them as administrators, parents, business and industry, fellow teachers, and others.

This time of year represents the wrap up to many successful projects. Some of you have students involved in community service projects, workshop presentations, STAR Event competitions, and officer elections. It’s important to share your success with your stakeholders. Demonstrate your ability to impact students’ lives, but letting students shine.

Take students to the next school board meeting to demonstrate their STAR Event, work with your chapter’s Vice President of Public Relations to write and send press releases on state meeting success to all the newspapers in your area, have chapter members personally deliver thank you notes or gifts to supportive business and industry leaders, celebrate chapter success with an end of year banquet and invite parents to celebrate and support their students’ hard work.

Don’t forget the end isn’t here yet. There are still many more opportunities for student success at National Leadership Conference in July. Register to attend the meeting in Nashville, TN today!

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