Monday, September 28, 2009

The National Research Center for College and University Admissions (NRCCUA) survey has been mailed to all FCCLA chapters. The information that you and your students provide is vital in planning FCCLA’s programs and events. Over the last three years, we’ve received invaluable research about what students and teachers need to be successful personally and professionally.

Take a look at a few statistics from the 2008 and 2009 surveys:

Please participate in this year’s survey, so that we can better serve you and your students. Middle school teachers are not required to fill out the survey.

We thank you for your time and feedback.

NOTE: you may receive two copies of the survey this year, because the Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) is participating and they have sent a CTE survey to all CTE teachers, which in some cases includes FACS teachers.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Continuing our topic from last week here are the top 5 ways to help a new adviser start FCCLA with success.

5.Stress the importance of media with the beginning adviser. Forward any press releases you receive and emphasize the importance of promoting FCCLA in your school and community.

4. Compile a list of fundraising ideas that has worked for you. This list will be helpful not only for the new advisers in your area but also for any adviser.

3. Offer to have your officers help with installation ceremonies. Allocating leadership roles will benefit both sets of officers, and take some of the stress from the advisers.

2. Demonstrate a quality STAR Event. Seeing a STAR Event in action can eliminate some of the fear that might come along with the new endeavor. Invite your beginning adviser to a chapter “Night of the STARs”; give them the opportunity to see what the judge’s role is all about.

And the number one way to help a new adviser…

1. Just be there. Maybe just having someone to listen and be in their corner is all that is needed to help your rookie find their own success.

Assisting a new adviser Toward New Horizons is a rewarding experience. Together we can help our organization grow and provide students with opportunities only available through FCCLA.

Thank you to NECA Kathy Werner for compiling these tips.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Today’s blog comes from Kathy Werner, NECA.

We all remember our first year as an adviser, STAR Events, national programs, fundraising. And with all that piled on your plate, when were you actually supposed to schedule a meeting? These are thoughts that plague every first year adviser, whether they are fresh from college or have just decided to start a new chapter. When all the fabulous FCCLA activities and opportunities are laid out in front of a new adviser (or member) it can be a bit overwhelming. Seasoned advisers can be the key to success for new advisers. Most of us have survived that scary first year and actually looked back at it with a smile. Now here is your chance to share your leadership with the rookies and help lead them into the Ultimate Leadership Experience (adviser style).

10. Let new advisers know that just like a smorgasbord restaurant, you don’t want to take everything all at once. Try out a few STAR Events, pick one national program that interests their students, get the officers involved with Power of One; this is a reasonable amount to get started, and then add more.

9. Host a co-chapter event. An outing in a park located close to both schools could be a fun way for members to get to know each other and form FCCLA friendships. Include Step One relay races and the day will be an event to remember.

8. Share your Be Part Of It CD with a new adviser. The information included could be just what they need to answer so many questions. Let them know that they could request a packet from national headquarters or their own state adviser.

7. Make a list of valuable contact information for the new adviser to keep at their fingertips. Include your state adviser, district consultant, other advisers who are willing to give a hand, your state website and of course, (Let them know they will use that one often.)

6. Share your best integration practices with your rookie. Give them a copy of your lesson plan that integrates a STAR Event into your classroom. Let them know the benefits of using national programs to teach the concepts that are already a part of their curriculum.

Part two will be posted next Monday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

FCCLA is Upping the Ante with New Competitive Events!

FCCLA’s Competitive Events are an important part of the organization because they allow students to put their knowledge, creativity, and FACS skills to use. They can be a student’s first step in the door to FCCLA or they can showcase of an involved member’s FCCLA career. No matter who the student is or where their interests fall, FCCLA has a Competitive Event for every member. Help your students get more involved by learning about these new opportunities for 2009-2010.

STAR Events have been and will continue to be a great structure for students to complete projects and gain recognition. FCCLA is proud to provide members with 25 events to participate in during the 2009-2010 school year. Three of these events, Environmental Ambassador, Fashion Design, and Food Innovations, are brand new and will be demonstrated at the National Cluster Meetings in November. Be sure to check the FCCLA website next week for the 2009-2010 STAR Events Manual so your students can begin their projects now instead of later!

FCCLA is also offering three contests to help your students use their creativity to express their passion for the organization. Check out the rules for the FCCLA Week Poster Contest, the 65 Years of Leadership T-Shirt contest, and the Win the Icing…Decorate our 65th FCCLA Birthday Cake contest on FCCLA’s national website today. The winning entries will be decided by members and advisers through NCM onsite voting and online voting following the meetings. Encourage your students to start their designs today!

The final new Competitive Event is FCCLA’s Family and Consumer Sciences Knowledge Bowl. Information, rules, and an online test will be posted to the website soon. Until then, contribute to the success of the event by writing and submitting questions for the competition through the online form ( All questions should relate to one of the NASAFACS standards. Thanks in advance for your help!

Good luck to you and your students during the new year of FCCLA competition!