Monday, April 5, 2010

Vote for FCCLA!

FCCLA needs your vote! National FCCLA is in the running for a $50,000 grant through the Pepsi Refresh Project. The grant would allow FCCLA to enhance leadership opportunities and personal development to Family and Consumer Sciences students and their teachers through the Capitol Leadership Training. Please visit, register, and vote every day in the month of April. Up to 10 grants in this category are awarded each month. Click here to vote!

In addition, since MO FCCLA finished the month of March in the top 100 for their category their proposed project is back in the running for the month of April so please use one of your ten daily votes for MO FCCLA. If you place FCCLA in the search engine of the Pepsi Refresh Project it will display both National FCCLA and MO FCCLA in one location to make voting easy!

1 comment:

Rhett Laubach said...

Good luck, FCCLA! After you do your voting, I encourage you to refresh your leadership teaching resources by clicking over to the blogs I run for the sole purpose of helping you and your students do what you do better:

Leadership Blog - (Over 300 leadership posts)

Speaking Skills Blog - (Over 200 speaking/teaching/presentation skills posts)

Delicious Page - (Over 900 leadership related blog posts)

Leaders In Gear Blog - (blog about my new leadership/speaking skills book)

Thanks and keep doing what you are doing!