Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Chaperoning 101

by Cathe Felz, National Consultant Team, Montana

Congratulations, your chapter has been selected to attend an event that requires extra adults to accompany your group. Whether it is a local event or the National Leadership Conference every chapter adviser needs additional adults to assist with chaperoning chapter events from time to time. Making the trip fun and educational is important but our top priority should always be safety. One of the key factors in providing both a safe and enjoyable trip for members and adults is to select and train adults to serve as chaperones. These adults will be responsible for the well being of students throughout the trip. Selecting chaperones is a daunting task for many, including myself.

Chaperones should be an authority figure that is fair, firm, and consistent. These adults should also be comfortable with the age and abilities of the students they are traveling with and be familiar with school policies and chapter expectations. Some of the best chaperones come from individuals who are actively involved in the everyday operations of the school and know the students on a personal level. Parents are usually eager to volunteer to chaperone for trips their student may be attending. A good rule of thumb is to select chaperones who have worked with the chapter to complete fundraising events, and chapter projects. These individuals know the students on a different level and have a vested interested in the chapter. When students and adults work together to meet a common goal they establish a relationship based on trust and understanding and learn to appreciate the viewpoint of the other person.

If the goal of the trip is to provide opportunities for students to learn and grow as well has have fun it important for the adult chaperones to work together to meet these goals. Chaperones need to be informed of the itinerary and activities prior to signing up to chaperone the trip. Everyone needs to realize when you travel as a group, the majority decides what activities will be attended and the responsibility of each participant is to follow timelines and schedules in order not to inconvenience the entire group.

Once the chaperones for the group have been selected it is important for the adviser to meet with them as a group and cover expectations and the itinerary for the trip. Some topics to cover would include:
  1. A review of school policies so the chaperones are familiar with expectations of the school district. All adult chaperones should make every effort to assure the rules will be firmly supported by other adults in the group. 
  2. Review expectations for adult behavior on the trip. Adult chaperones should model the way by being on time for events, being dressed appropriately, and refraining from the use of alcohol and tobacco, stay with the group at all times, and provide a positive role model for students. 
  3. Review trip itinerary pointing out the opportunities for students to learn and grow through educational activities and tips for creating a memorable trip. Chaperones need to remember they are responsible for checking in with students regularly and being aware of where the students are and who they are with at all times. 
  4. Review with chaperones the types of problems that can arise on school trips, emphasizing which ones chaperones have the authority to deal with and which should be referred to school staff. 
  5. Stress the chaperones’ role is to be the authority figure, no a buddy to the students. Let the chaperones know that the adviser will support and guide them throughout the trip. 
  6. Review emergency procedures that could occur during the trip. Provide medical release forms and insurance information for parents prior to departure and secure these materials in a binder which is readily available to the adult chaperones. Exchange cell phone numbers with all chaperones and participants. 
  7. Review nighttime security procedures at the hotel. Chaperones should check student rooms to make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be before retiring for the evening. They should also check in the morning with each room to make sure everyone is accounted for and ready for the events of the day. During room check, chaperones should physically ID each student assigned to that room. 

Selecting and training adult chaperones for chapter travel will prepare them to do their job well, and ensure that the safety and well being of chapter members is a top priority. Safe travels.


1 comment:

Cathe said...

Great idea. Alumni members make great chaperones. It is important to keep former members involve in FCCLA as they go out into the world of work. This is also a great opportunity to develop ties with business and industry.